Other Ways to Support IndieSpace

We would love to partner with you in additional ways to support the indie theater community and a healthy, thriving New York City.

Amplify - We need your voices. Please share our newsletter, our social media and our good news with your community.

Join the Artists Committee - We gather a group of artists to weigh in on all things IndieSpace. If you have time and thoughts about our programs join our Artist Committee. Email randi@indiespace.org to join.

Join our Board - We are always looking for a diverse group of people to serve on our board. Our board is made up of a minimum of 25% working artists and professionals from all different backgrounds in NYC.

Volunteer in Additional Ways: We always appreciate volunteer support from:

We're looking for:

  • Development partners

  • Property owners with vacant, under-utilized space

  • Board members with unique expertise

  • Donors with a passion for promoting the arts in NYC

  • Innovative thinkers who see the big picture

  • New Yorkers with an interest in preserving the most vibrant cultural community in the world

Please contact us if you would like to partner with IndieSpace.